Jesus entrusted the ministry of reconciliation to the Church. The Sacrament of Penance is God's gift to us so that any sin committed after Baptism can be forgiven. In confession we have the opportunity to repent and recover the grace of friendship with God. It is a holy moment in which we place ourselves in his presence and honestly acknowledge our sins, especially mortal sins. With absolution, we are reconciled to God and the Church. The Sacrament helps us stay close to the truth that we cannot live without God.
"In him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance
"Confession is the sacrament of the tenderness of God, his way of embracing us."
- Pope Francis
The sacrament of Reconciliation is available each Wednesday evening, from 5pm-6pm in the Reconciliation Room, located across from the choir room.
Confessions are also available after our Daily Mass by requesting it from the priest celebrant and also at other times by appointment through the church office.

Communal Penance Services

During the Liturgical Seasons of Advent and Lent, we celebrate Penance Services as a community, where there are several priests present for the celebration of the sacrament.
For questions or additional information, please call the office at 386-767-6111.
First Reconciliation
Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation is open to parishioners in second grade and above. In addition to separate preparation sessions for both children & parents/adults, participation in family formation sessions plays a vital role in preparing for this sacrament, which is celebrated in the spring of each year.
For more information or to begin this sacramental preparation process, please contact
Jessica Smith, jsmith@ccepiphany.com, 386-767-6111.