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Life and Faith are Journeys...
What's Your Next Step?

What are you seeking?

The very first words out of the mouth of Jesus in the Gospel of John are "What are you Seeking?" (Jn 1:38). He asked this of a couple of men who started to follow Him. 

Each one of us is called to answer this question honestly, from the depths of our hearts. Jesus knows the answer ultimately boils down to one word: happiness. This is found in Him!

If you are seeking for fulfillment, meaning, and happiness, Jesus extends an invitation to you:  "COME AND YOU WILL SEE" (Jn 1:39).


GrowthPath is a simple path to spiritual growth at Epiphany. Often, we look at our faith life and wonder how we can grow closer to God and in knowledge of His divinely revealed Truth. Yet, it seems like it is a mapless journey for many. GrowthPath seeks to provide the map or discipleship track for spiritual growth. It helps individuals take initiative in the life of faith and place themselves on the GrowthPath toward a deeper understanding and lived relationship with the God who created them for a greater purpose!

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Everything we do at Epiphany is centered around the person of Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God made flesh (Jn 1:14) and the true light that shines in the darkness (Jn 1:5). Our mission as a community is to welcome all, near and far, to encounter Jesus, follow Him closely, worship Him as a community, and share the good news of a new life in His Church. Each of these steps along the path is designed to help you grow in your journey of following Jesus as his disciple. 

"By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples." (Jn 15:8)

In this step, we encounter the real person of Jesus Christ and hear the message of the Good News. If you are a non-believer searching for answers and meaning in your life, a non-Catholic who wants to know more about the Catholic faith, or a Catholic who feels like you need to re-encounter Jesus again, then this is your first step.

Explore Alpha

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian Faith in an informal, open and friendly environment. Each session looks at a different question about faith and is designed to create conversation. With this, Alpha is designed to be an easy onramp for people to encounter Jesus Christ and develop relationships within our parish community.

After hearing believing in the Gospel message, we make a decision to follow Jesus who calls us to a new way of living. This response needs accompaniment and formation to grow into an intentional living of discipleship - following Jesus in our daily lives. We become aware of the different places in our lives that need Jesus' healing, restoration, and renewal.

If you are seeking to understand more about the Catholic faith and might feel the call to join the Church, then Epiphany is the place for you. Each person comes to the Catholic faith with their own life experiences, spiritual journeys, and deep questions. We invite you to explore the faith from a position or place that affords a wide or advantageous perspective!

Welcome is  an experience that helps you discover what's missing in your life and what to do about it.Most people want to work this out, but they have no idea how, or even where to start. If you are one of those people, then Welcome is for you.

OCIA Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

Other opportunities to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ:

Following Jesus never happens in an isolated way. Jesus gathers the people of God in His Church. This is the family of God who looks to Christ as the image of the invisible God. We gather to worship, for fellowship, to build a visible community of disciples that comes together to be nourished by the Word and the Sacraments. 

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We have many opportunities to praise and worship our Lord outside of the regular schedule of services. We have had Masses of Healing with Anointing of the Sick and Healing Prayers, Bread of Life Adoration Nights, and many more. For more info on these opportunities please check our Home Page and our Sunday Bulletins.

When people truly encounter Jesus in their lives, they can't help but desire to share Him with others. We seek to be formed and nourished by Jesus so that we can go out and be a light in our community. As the Epiphany star shined brightly to bring those who were far away into the presence of Jesus, we are inspired to do likewise and be a missionary people who are constantly searching for the opportunity to share the Good News with the world.

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