Family Formation
“And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.” – Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (RSV)
Family Formation Model
Families are a central focus of formation at Epiphany. Formed by our Eucharistic experience, Epiphany Faith Formation offers a support system for families of all sizes and make-ups, and partners with parents in fulfilling their promise to instruct themselves and their children in the faith of the Church.
We believe that by focusing on forming families, we are building a stronger domestic church family, and ultimately, a stronger church community.
Unlike traditional models of formation, the Family Formation program brings the entire family together to pray, break open the Word of God, and share topics of our faith. Our Family Formation program combines parish-based group meetings and at-home sessions led by parents/adults (more information below).
Weeks 1 & 3
Families come together at the parish for family catechesis and community gatherings. During Week 1, parents/adults & children meet in their own age appropriate groups to break open a monthly topic. Parents/adults are sent forth from our session with the knowledge, courage and tools to continue the conversation at home. During Week 3, our families gather together for a community session, which includes family fellowship and seasonal activities.
Weeks 2 & 4
Using the tools received at Family Formation, families gather together once a week at home for dedicated time of uninterrupted prayer, conversation and formation on the assigned topic for that specific month.