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Join us this weekend as we celebrate
The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Join the women of the ECCW as they create beautiful crafts, memories, and friendships!

If you are feeling the call to be the hands and feet of Jesus, check out these opportunities to serve!

A Minister to the Sick

A Alter Servers

A Eucharist Ministry
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A Minister to the Sick
Looking for fellowship in the word?
Join our men and women as they explore the readings for the upcoming masses.
All are welcome!

Living Word among Women Slide
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Catholic Men's Fellowship Ad
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Portrait Youth Ministry

Living Word among Women Slide
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Epiphany - Where God’s Love is Alive!
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Epiphany Thrift Store

Serving the Volusia County community for over 25 years, the purpose of our Thrift Store Ministry is to provide funding to our Food Pantry and other outreach & crisis ministries. The thrift store also provides clothing, bedding and other items when available to families who are in need.
Located at 5120 South Ridgewood Avenue
in Port Orange
Phone: (386)-756-0300

Open Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed on Sundays and Mondays
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